Some breastfeeding misconceptions

Stephanie Dickrell

Dr. Adannia Enyioha, a pediatrician at HealthPartners Central Minnesota Clinic in Sartell, dispelled some myths and misconceptions about breastfeeding.

It's easy or should come naturally.

"Not a lot of people (new moms) come across tell them it's hard. It's actually work," she said.

If you can get through the first few weeks, it will probably get easier.

There might be some pain or bleeding initially, or the baby might not latch well at first.

Doing it consistently, especially in the first few weeks, is important. Enyioha encourages breastfeeding about every three hours, or eight times a day.

I can do this on my own. It's only my responsibility. 

Enyioha finds that moms who are successful at breastfeeding have support and understanding from those around them. Friends and family who have successfully breastfed are good resources for new moms.

I'm not sure if the baby is getting enough food or nutrients. 

If a baby isn't losing weight beyond what's normal in those first few days, it's probably OK. Pediatricians get worried if a baby loses more than 12 percent of its birth weight.

For most moms, the milk comes into the breast five to seven days after birth, especially if they are a first-time mom or it's their first time breastfeeding.

Early on, a woman's body will produce colostrum, which is a low-volume discharge that comes from the breast. It's very high in nutrients and vitamins, Enyioha says.

"The baby is actually able to do very well just on colostrum until the milk comes in," she said. She encourages moms to hang on feeding the colostrum until the milk comes in.

Another good marker is that a baby usually feeds for 15-20 minutes and has at least four wet diapers a day. That means they are hydrated and getting enough milk.

Pediatricians will encourage parents to supplement if the baby is losing too much weight in the first days, beyond that 12 percent mark.

Pumping is a good means of getting breast milk out.

Pumping is useful, especially for moms who go back to work. However, the sucking an infant can do is a better way to pull down the milk, Enyioha said.

A baby's sucking will activate hormones in the breast that eventually help the milk let down.

So even if the milk isn't fully in, Enyioha encourages moms to put the baby to the breast to help stimulate milk production.

I don't have to pump as often as I breastfeed. 

Enyioha encourages moms to pup as frequently as the baby would feed, to keep milk production at the same level. That's about every three hours.

I don't have a place to pump at work, or in public. 

State and federal law requires employers to give women a safe, clean place to pump other than a restroom. It might take some education if the employer is unfamiliar with the law.

Enyioha says the more parents, health workers and educators push for places to breastfeed, the friendlier the outside world will be.

Dad doesn't have a role in breastfeeding. 

"It's amazing how successfully breastfeeding can go if the father's involved," Enyioha said. And it helps if he goes to infant appointments to hear all the tips from health care workers.

Sometimes moms will produce more milk than an infant needs in a feed. The woman can use a pump for the excess to use at the next feeding. That's a great way for dads to be part of the feeding process.

There aren't any other benefits to breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding transfers antibodies from mom to baby, protecting them from infection until they're about 2 months old. At 2 months, that starts to wane, which is why vaccinations usually start at that point.

Breastfeeding can also help a woman get back to her prepregnancy weight.

And of course, emotional bonds form for the family.

I'm a bad mom if I don't breastfeed or if I don't keep breastfeeding long enough. 

Some women can feel shame or guilt if breastfeeding isn't going well, or if they are unable to breastfeed.

"But that's completely inappropriate," Enyioha says. "We encourage it strongly because of all its benefits, but we don't shame moms who cannot."

Some formulas can come very close to breast milk, and in some cases, donor milk can work as a substitute.

It can be challenging for moms who may have had breast surgery, and for some, the milk production never picks up. Moms with premature babies might not be able to, and their milk might never come in.

The practice also may be discouraged for moms who are on certain medications or who have HIV.

Experts recommend breastfeeding until the baby is 1 year old, with no solid foods until they are 6 months old.

For more information, visit La Leche League International's website at

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